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Financed Training

Financed Training

The financed training is based on the planning and the accomplishment of training courses entirely funded by the European Social Fund and/or the Italian Institutions.

FOCUS Ltd has provided itself with an operative structure ad hoc to always monitor any announcement for entering funds, guaranteeing in such way a complete management of the funds beginning from the training needs analysis, the projects elaboration and the presentation to the financing capitalist Institutions to the management of the training actions during all theirs phases.

The training courses offered are thought for different categories of users, such as:

  • Training for Youth and Adults
  • Training for Disadvantaged People
  • Training for Self-Employee
  • Continuing Education for SMEs, Medium and Large Enterprises
and they are different one from the others in the contents and in the teaching methods which are “tailor made” according to the needs and specificities of each category.

To find out which are the categories working financed, visit the link to list of our active courses (Italian Language).

Catalogue Training

Catalogue Training

FOCUS Ltd offers each year a list of courses and seminars for payment on present topics and legislation updating aimed to young people, women and workers, professionals, managers and entrepreneurs.

Courses and seminars can be financed by Training Vouchers promoted by the Region and therefore totally free for those who benefit them.
Please contact us if you would like to get more information on Vouchers and help for participating the announcement, or if you are interested in any kind of course/seminar that is not in our list. You will be given all the necessary assistance to plan a course ad hoc for you.


E-learning Training

FOCUS Ltd provides its students with an e-learning platform that allows them to learn in any hours and any places.

Thanks to the presence of a competent supporting structure it is guaranteed a continuous and efficient interaction between the participants and the Organization.